Welcoming to Home and Hope
Empowering new neighbors as they build new lives inpeace & safety.
From initial services like housing and benefits enrollment to cultural orientation and community friendships, we support new neighbors in establishing the foundation that they need to thrive in the United States.

Refugee Resettlement
CWS Lancaster’s refugee resettlement case managers, many of whom are former refugees and immigrants themselves, provide initial welcome and core services to new refugee neighbors within the first 90 days after arrival. From initial welcome services like airport pick-up, welcome meals, and housing to connecting to social, health, educational, and career services, and learning the necessary skills to support their new life in the United States, refugee resettlement case managers are providing the building blocks for long-term success and self-sufficiency.
Photo Credit: Joseph Terranova

Matching Grant
This hybrid employment and resettlement case management program provides extended supports for new neighbors after the initial resettlement period has concluded. Extended case management,, employment skills training, job referrals and family budget planning, coupled with community connections and volunteer support, ensure new neighbors have the skills they need to be financially independent.

As we welcome new neighbors, one of our biggest challenges can be obtaining safe and affordable housing. CWS Housing staff begin identifying possible permanent housing even before new neighbors have arrived and then partner with landlords and their new tenants to ensure clients understand their rights and responsibilities.

Community Sponsorship
Community sponsorship is your opportunity to welcome a new refugee family and empower them with friendship and support as they integrate into their new home. As a community sponsor, your group will partner with CWS Lancaster to welcome a refugee family and help them begin life in the United States.
Preferred Communities (PC) Ukraine & Cuban Haitian Entrant and Asylee Programs
PC Ukraine and PC Cuban Haitian Entrant & Asylee Programs are 90-day programs that empower Ukrainian, Cuban, Haitian and other new entrants to make important steps towards self-sufficiency and thriving in the United States. The two programs provide case management to create a family self-sufficiency plan and ensures access to services such as employment assistance, applications for public benefits, cultural orientation, and referrals to legal services.
Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees served
children were enrolled in school
homes were secured by the housing team
Community Sponsor groups provided at least 8 core services to new refugee neighbors
Landryne's Story
Rent to Newcomers
Are you a landlord or property owner with affordable housing availability? If so, we want to hear from you!